Having just seen the film version of Sara’s Key, which alternately moved and frustrated me, I looked up the biography of the novel’s author, Tatiana de Rosnay and must confess I found a wee bit of hubris in the expansive coverage of her lineage. To that end, I have modelled my own biographical note based on her format… RT
Rhea Tregebov was born on August 15, 1953 in the suburbs of Saskatoon. She is of Russian Jewish descent. Her father was Canadian civil engineer Sam Block, her grandfather was wrecking and salvage company owner James Block. Rhea doesn’t know the name of her paternal great-grandmother but she wishes she did. Rhea’s mother is Canadian, Jeanette Block, daughter of delicatessen owner Aaron Grosney, and great-great-granddaughter of someone who was probably a very interesting person. Rhea is also the niece of moving company owner Hymie Block. Rhea was raised in Winnipeg, where her father designed irrigation ditches and brought in indoor plumbing to rural Manitoba communities while working for the provincial government. He was always home by 5:30.