Mapping the Chaos book cover image

Mapping the Chaos

For Tregebov, writing is ‘mapping’ – tracing the outlines of what is there with humour, wonder, bemusement, and great clarity.

“Mapping the Chaos is daring and original — genuinely radical. […] It is, in fact, a breakthrough: an evolutionary leap in style that exceeds the expectations her work has created until now.” —Carmine Starnino, The Montreal Gazette

“Perhaps there is a beauty in the logic of mapping; or perhaps the beauty lies in the chaos. The most interesting art performs a simultaneous imposition of order and a resistance to it. This is what Tregebov’s book Mapping the Chaos achieves.” —Catherine Hunter, Prairie Fire

1995 • Signal Editions / Véhicule Press • 96 pp 6″ x 9″ • ISBN: 9781550650709

The Proving Grounds

This is poetry informed by an engaging and lively sense of astonishment of all things—both the commonplace and familial, and the curious and remarkable. Tregebov’s work ranges from a heart-wrenching series of poems about a life-threatening ailment contracted by her only child, to travel sketches, polemical political pieces, and lyrically-tender love poems.

“…almost always, in this very human and intelligent chronicle of remedial joys and difficult sorrows, [Tregebov] does make us feel life’s pain and the substantial release to be earned in surviving and naming it. …[The Proving Grounds] is a book that can be recommended not only to the only people poets suspect ever read their work (other poets) but also to all those greater multitudes who customarily don’t, and among these, in particular, to parents, nurses, doctors, and gardeners.” —Elisabeth Harvor, The Antigonish Review

“The Proving Grounds will only add to Tregebov’s growing reputation.” —Douglas Barbour, The Toronto Star

1991 • Signal Editions / Véhicule Press • 92 pp 6″ x 9″ • ISBN: 9781550650181

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No One We Know book cover image

No One We Know

“Rhea Tregebov’s poetry is brilliant in that it makes ordinary things shine brilliantly, thereby revealing the connnections between them.” —Mary Meigs, Room of One’s Own

“Rhea Tregebov’s poetry is brilliant in that it makes ordinary things shine brilliantly, thereby revealing the connnections between them.” —Sharon Goodier, Canadian Book Review Annual

“Rhea Tregebov’s poetry cuts to the quick, exposing us, through cracks in the ordinary and familiar, to the raw, wounded flesh.” —Di Brandt, Prairie Fire

1991 • Second Story / Sumach Press • 269 pp 6″ x 9″ • ISBN: 9780929005263

Remembering History

Winner of the League of Canadian Poets’ Pat Lowther Award for the best book of poetry by a woman of the year, 1982.

“An impressive first collection.” —Canadian Literature

“The poet, ‘remembering history,’ must not repeat it, but balanced perfectly, must create it anew.” —Poetry Canada Review

1982 • Guernica Editions • 161 pp 5.5″ x 8.5″ • ISBN: 9780919349155

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Gifts: Poems for Parents

“It’s not a bad idea to stock up on poetry for times when the soul hungers for more than chicken soup.” —The Vancouver Sun 

2002 • Sumach Press • 112 pp • ISBN: 978894549155

Frictions II: Short Fiction by Canadian Women

In this collection of short stories, twenty-two contributors write about the lives, joys and struggles of women. Edited by Rhea Tregebov.

1993 • Second Story / Sumach Press • 172 pp 6″ x 9″ • ISBN: 9780929005478

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Sudden Miracles: Eight Women Poets book cover image

Sudden Miracles: Eight Women Poets

Edited by Rhea Tregebov.

“A treasury of finely wrought verse … offering a splendid overview of the Canadian poetry scene.” — The Globe and Mail

1991 • Second Story / Sumach Press • 269 pp 6″ x 9″ • ISBN: 9780929005263

Frictions: Stories by Women

Edited by Rhea Tregebov.

“Raw, outrageously funny, disturbing or dreamlike … these stories are a revelation.” —Michele Landsberg

1991 • Second Story / Sumach Press • 272 pp 6″ x 9″ • ISBN: 9780929005072

Frictions: Stories by Women book cover image